Thursday, August 19, 2010

Job Prep Workshop: Days 1-3

So far so good. I'm usually not one for a group setting, but I have enjoyed the last 3 days of sitting around a table, collecting packets of paperwork, meeting with the organization's heads, and allowing myself to accept this process. The toughest part is accepting the process, accepting that my ability to lend resources is limited, that instead I am one of the seekers. I'm becoming ok with that. I'm ok with it because, this week, the fact that I am not just a taker has been presented to me. I can see that I give just as much as I take, and when I am in the place that I wish to be, I will be able to give more than I take.

This workshop has really set a good impression of this organization. I feel that I will find what I need there. I've already found a lot already and its only day 3. I'm looking forward to completing the remaining 2 days and moving along in the process.

Lasting impressions:

  • Never judge a book by its cover - we have all come to the workshop with different issues, from different backgrounds, looking for different things, yet needing the same things. I have been privileged to share space with a former firefighter, a franchiser, a mathmetician, someone who helped keep our airplanes in flight, an engineer, and a holistic teacher. There are no high horses.
  • Hide your button - I'm almost always irritable, I have very little patience and I need my own space for various reasons. On the flip side of that, I'm a loyal and trustworthy friend, I like to smile and be in good company, and I'm a great listener. The latter is the "me" that should be the most visible, and that can be made possible by not allowing every little thing to push my button.

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