Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of Second Grade

Well. Its official. My baby girl is now a second grader. Where is the time going? I mean, seriously. Each new year brings a new and exciting experience for the both of us. I get to see her settle into a new routine, get to know a new educator, make new friends and reconnect with old ones. She gets to broaden her world view, formulate new stories to share with me, and create new memories.

Considering the fact that Emma's new teacher put all of us parents out of the classroom, promptly at the start of class time, I'm guessing that the days of standing in the background, as a silent observer, snapping candid photos is over. None of that going down in second grade. The excitement (for me) was over as soon as it began. I had to wait until the end of business to find out what the first day of second grade was like. I am seeing great things ahead though. I am liking the direction that her new teacher wants to take things already.

Any firsts for you or your children this week?


  1. Oh my goodness, Emma couldn't be any cuter.

  2. Congrats to Emma!! I hope that she love her new teacher and makes lots of new friends.

  3. Thanks Karen. She was excited to tell me all about the second day of second grade, so things are going very well during this first week. Still all smiles =)

  4. I just loved her hair. In fact, I am still thinking about it! You are such a good momma Barb!

  5. Thanks mama Rue. I'm fond of the banding style/technique too. So glad I learned about it via We are in the works of thinking about next week hairstyle(s).
