Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fun with Yarn Scraps

I couldn't really sleep last night, so I threw on some Law & Order: SVU and took a look in my trunk of yarn. I wanted to crochet. I didn't know what I wanted to crochet, just that I really really wanted to. I have a bunch of bright random colors from small projects and nothing was really catching my eye since we're still in Winter. Then I noticed a new small ball of cotton yarn in Gold, and decided that I could put it to good use.

I decided to make a dish cloth for my grandmother. I've never made any dish or wash cloths before, but I've wanted to. There are a bunch of different dish cloth patterns out there, but since I was just in the heat of the moment, I decided to go with something simple. Double crochet and back post stitching got the job done. I'm pretty happy with the results and I'm looking forward to adding some cloths and possibly some drying towels to my own kitchen soon.

The simplest things can always make the perfect gifts!


  1. Very pretty!I'm sure your grandmother will love it!

  2. Thank you Deb. I'm looking forward to surprising her with it :)
